We track Google rankings for over 180 different countries as well as Bing and Yahoo. Contact us if you need to track a search engine we don’t yet track.
We try to update all rankings once every 24th hours. Some keywords in our database, not added by any customer at the specific moment that have low search volumes may be updated on less regular basis. If you don't get ranking data on keywords you add means we don't have that specific keyword in our database, it will be added and monitored during the next 24 hours.
We crawl the first 20 pages for every keyword, including image, map and social results. This means we collect a lot of other data such as domain info and meta data.
Multiple domains can be added, but there is a quote for keywords depending on package. During one month you can add X keywords in total, if you reach the quota no more keywords can be added during that month. This is to prevent misuse of our system.
Yes, but in the current version this is counted towards to keyword quota as separate keywords.
Yes, you can enter hundreds of keywords at a time.
If we already monitor the keyword ranking data and other key figures will be available immediately. During beta period all new keywords are tracked whitin 24 hours. Depending on the current workload of our servers the time could be less.
Google seeks to provide the best results for individual users so it provides customized results based on your location (IP address)
We have plans that will suit everyone's needs. View our rank tracking plans.
Select "Account settings" from the top right corner menu, and switch into "Settings" section in order to view your current subscription status.
Yes, off course! SerpYou is very scalable and we can make custom solutions for large SEO agencys or for the little online business. Please contact us!
You can cancel your subscription at any time. We do not offer any type of refunds.
Read more about PageRank on Wikipedia.
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